An Ultimate Bargain

A Gujju calls a Dentist to inquire about the cost for tooth extraction...
Dentist : Rs 850 Sir.

Gujju : Rs 850..!!! Too much..!! Don't you have anything cheaper?
Dentist : That's the normal charge, Sir.

Gujju : What if you don't use any anaesthetic?
Dentist : That's unusual, Sir, but can be done and will cut the cost by Rs 400.

Gujju : Ok. And what if you deploy one of your trainee-dentists to do the extraction, without anaesthetic?
Dentist : Well, I cannot guarantee professionalism and it also would be painful. But the price could drop down to Rs 150.

Gujju: Hmm. What if you make it like a training-session, like one of your students does the extraction, while the other students watch and learn?
Dentist : It'll be good for the students but quite traumatic for the patient... And I can pay you Rs 200 for it.

Gujju : Now you're talking..!! Ok, it's a deal. Can I confirm an appointment for my mother-in-law for tomorrow at 10 AM then?

Beware of HR,,, :P

Wife - Lets go for a dinner tonight.
Husband (HR Manager) - Ok.

Husband - Should we go to a cheaper restaurant ?
Wife - No. Let's go to Royal Palace hotel.

Husband - (silence for a minute) - Ok, See you at 7.O 'Clock.

On the way, around 6.30 pm...

Husband - Once upon a time, I had pani puri competition with my sister and she ate 30 pani-puris and defeated me.
Wife - What's so difficult in it?

Husband - Defeating me in Pani-puri eating competition is so difficult.
Wife - I can easily beat you.

Husband - Please leave it. It's not your cup of tea.
Wife - Let us have that competition right now.

Husband - So you want to see yourself defeated?
Wife - Let's see.

They both stop at a Pani-puri stall and start eating... After about 30 Pani-puris the husband gave up.
The wife was also full, but to defeat her husband, she ate one more and shouted, *"You lose."* The bill was Rs 50/- and wife was back home and happy as she won the bet.

Moral of the Story...

*Main aim of a HR Manager is to satisfy employee with minimum investments. Winning attitude with less investment, ensuring strong Return On Investment!*

Chicken Story

A farmer owns 25 young hens and one male...

As he feels that the old male could no longer handle his job efficiently, the farmer bought one young male from the market...

Old Male to YoungMale:

Old male: Welcome to join me, we will work together towards productivity...
Young Male: What do you mean? As far as I know, you are old & should be retired.

Old Male : Young boy, there are 25 hens here, can't I help you with some?
Young Male: No!! Not even one, all of them will be mine.

Old Male: In this case, I shall challenge you to a competition & if I win you shall allow me to have one hen & if I lose you will have all.
Young Male: OKKK.. What kind of competition?

Old Male: 50 meters run. From here to that tree. But due to my age, I hope you allow me to start off the first 10 meters.
Young Male: No problem ! We will compete tomorrow morning.

In the morning the YoungMale allows the Old male to start off & when the Old male crosses the 10 meters mark the Young Male chases him with all his might.
Soon enough, he was behind the Old male's back in a matter of seconds.


Before he could overtake the old male , he was shot dead by the farmer...

who cursed, : "Hell" This is the 5th GAY Male I've bought this week." ??

Moral: beware of senior experience in corporate politics !!!!!